◆Evolving Traditions – Paintings of wonder from Japan Curated by Yuki IDEGUCHI


At the exhibition, which is curated by Yuki Ideguchi, some of the collections of the Japanese Embassy in Washington, which is not normally open to the public, and works by contemporary Japanese painters are exhibited. And there are panels which explain the evolution from the “birth of Nihonga : the Japanese painting”. I introduc a new challenge of japanese paintings in the 21st century.


出口雄樹が企画した本展覧会では、普段 一般には公開されていないワシントン日本大使館の日本画コレクションの一部と、現代日本画家の作品を展示し、「日本画」誕生からこれまでの変遷、そして21世紀の現代における新たな挑戦を紹介いたします。


Evolving Traditions – Paintings of wonder from Japan Curated by Yuki IDEGUCHI
Site: JICC
1150 18 St NW Suite 100, Washington, DC 20036